Statutes of Shambhala e.V.

Amended on the 27th March, 2022

§ 1- Name and Domicile

  1. The name of the association is “SHAMBHALA e.V.”
    The association has been listed in the Reutlingen register of associations under the number VR 1360In the following text below, it will be referred to as “the association”. The association pursues exclusively and directly non-profit activities as specified under the "tax-privileged purposes" section of the German tax code.
  2. The association has its domicile in Reutlingen.
  3. The purpose of the association is the promotion of education and training, as well as of art and culture.
    The statutory objectives of the association will be realised particularly through:
    3.1 Maintaining and building relationships with people from different countries and cultures by means of seminars, workshops, as well as artistic and musical events.
    3.2 Promoting education and training projects in underdeveloped countries and regions.
    3.3 The construction and maintenance of a school.
    3.4 The acquisition of sponsorships to support and promote a school education of children and adolescents.

§ 2 - Acitivity of the Association

  1. The association operates for the public good; it is primarily a non-profit organisation.

§ 3 - Association funds

  1. Association funds may only be used for purposes that accord with its statutes. Members receive no benefits from the association.
    Members will not receive any remuneration from association funds.

§ 4 - Expenditures

  1. No person may be favored through expenditures that are not related to the purpose of the association, or through disproportionately high allowances.

§ 5 - Membership

  1. Member of the association can be any natural and legally competent person, as well legal entities according to public or private law and other organizations that wish to support the purposes of the association.
  2. The association has full members and associate members.
    a) A full member of the association can be anyone who is willing to participate in the practical and theoretical work of the association or its facilities. Full members are allowed to attend the member´s general meetings, have the right to submit suggestions, access information and to vote, unless otherwise stipulated by the association.
    A full member can be represented by another full member at a general meeting through a written proxy.
    b) Anyone can be an associate member who supports the association either in a material or a conceptual way. Associate members may participate in general meetings: they have the right to table a motion and to access information, but have no right to vote.
  3. The full and the associate membership should be applied for in writing to the Board of the association. The Board will decide on the admission and will notify the applicant in a written form. The Board has the right to reject admission.
  4. Entitlement to membership rights, of both the full member and associate member, depends on the timely payment of contributions.
  5. Membership expires as a result of death, or if a member resigns or is excluded from the membership list. It is possible to resign by giving written notice to the Board four weeks before the end of the fiscal year. Members may request the Board to exclude a member. The members of the general meeting will make decisions to exclude a member based on simple majority votes.

§ 6 - Contribution

  1. The full and associate members pay a contribution annually in advance to the association. To ensure entitlement to membership rights, timely payment of a contribution is considered valid upon reaching the association´s bank account by the 31st of March of the respective fiscal year, at the latest.
  2. If membership is acquired during the current fiscal year, the full annual contribution must still be paid. Membership rights can only be exercised, if the annual contribution has reached the association´s bank account before the next members´ general meeting. If the new member does not attend the first members´ general meeting after joining the association, contribution for the current fiscal year will be due within three months upon receiving notification from the Board.
  3. The level of the contribution for both full members and the associate members is determined every 2 years by the members of the general meeting based on proposals made by the Board.

§ 7 - Costs, revenues and association's assets

  1. Contributions to cover the costs of the association are obtained from:
    a) membership fees
    b) donations and contributions from sponsors
    c) aid out of public funds
    d) income from the association's assets

§ 8 - Administrative bodies

The administrative bodies of the association are the members of the general meeting and the Board.

§ 9 - Annual general meeting

  1. The annual general meeting takes place at least once a year. Besides being present an online meeting is possible too. The Board may convene an extraordinary general meeting at any time. Such a meeting can also be convened by at least a quarter of the full members, or at least half of the associate members: the purpose and reasons must be stated in writing. The Board must convene the members´ general meeting in writing and must observe a notification period of at least 14 days before the meeting, and include details of the agenda.
  2. The members general meeting has to perform the following tasks:
    a) Decision on the statutes and amendments.
    b) Election of the Board selected from among the full members.
    c) Assessing the Board´s annual report and the annual financial statement. Giving of approval for these documents.
    d) Stipulating the membership fee for full members and associate members.
    e) Deciding about the exclusion of members.
    f) Amendments or annulment of decisions made by the Board.
    g) Decision on the dissolution of the association.
  3. The Board decides if non-members may attend the meetings.
  4. The chairman or chairwoman of the Association or a representative will chair the general meeting unless the members of the meeting have nominated another to take on this task.
  5. Minutes should be taken of any resolutions that are passed during the general meeting and signed by the attending board members and by the secretary taking the minutes. At the beginning of the members´ general meeting, the secretary should be nominated by the members based on a proposal made by the chairman, or chairwomen, chairing the general meeting.
  6. Members of a general meeting have a quorum if at least 1/3 of the full members are present. If this is not the case, the Board may convene the general meeting again, while maintaining the agenda and taking into account the need to observe a time. In such a case, the members of the general meeting may pass resolutions irrespective of the number of members present.
  7. Members of the general meeting always make a decision by a simple majority of the votes cast. To amend the statutes of the association, or amend the purpose of the association or to dissolve the association, a 2/3 majority of all members of the association is required.
  8. If the statutes of the association are amended, and consequently the tax authorities question the validity of a non-profit status, the Board must convene an extraordinary general meeting within 4 weeks.

§ 10 - The Board

  1. The Board is composed of the chairman and at least two, or at most four other board members. The association can be legally represented by collectively two executive board members.
  2. Members of the Board are elected for a term of 2 years by simple majority of the members of the meeting. They remain in office until new elections. Re-election is possible. Every full member can candidate as a member of the Board. In this case, the chairman and other Board members are to be elected from the candidates in two separate ballots. Should votes be tied, balloting will be repeated for the respective candidates.
  3. The Board is responsible for all duties arising from the statutes and the decisions adopted by the members of the general meeting. The primal responsibilities are the representation and management of the association, and the administration of the association´s assets. Within the scope of the management´s authority, the individual members are exempted from the restrictions laid down in Section 181 BGB (German Civil Code). The Board has the authority to delegate day to day management to a manager, who is to act within the framework of the regulations, which are to be defined by the Board.
  4. A meeting of the Board shall be convened by the Chairman. A meeting of the Board must be convened if two Board members so request, stating the reasons. As for the rest, the Board may adopt its own rules of procedure.
  5. The Board has a quorum if all members of the Board were invited and at least 2 members appeared. Resolutions are to be adopted by the members of the meeting on the basis of a simple majority votes cast. In the case of a tie vote, the chairman shall have the casting vote.
  6. At the members´ annual general meeting, the Board must submit the annual statement of accounts audited by a neutral tax advisor.
  7. Members of the Board manage the association as volunteers.

§ 11 - Dissolution and Liquidation

In the event of the dissolution or annulment of the association or on the discontinuation of its purposes to date, the association´s assets - minus all liabilities - shall go to Charitable Trust Albgarten e.V., Langengasse 25, 89601 Schelklingen. Albgarten e.V. has to use these directly and exclusively for charitable or benevolent purposes.
