We have discontinued our travel offers.

These tours can currently be requested from NEUE WEGE Seminare & Reisen GmbH.

You are welcome to browse through our travel archive. 

We are inspired by the Tibetan legend of Shambhala, describing the “outer journey” to a mystical, paradysiac land which in old scriptures was located in the regions of the Himalayas.

At the same time the “inner journey” into the center of our inner “Shambhala” – symbol of our inborn Buddha nature, a state of being with compassion, wisdom and inner peace.

Pilgrimage to Holy Mount Kailash in Tibet · Pilgrimage to the holy places of Buddhism · Dharamsala – Practice and philosophy of Tibetan Buddhism in "Little Tibet"


Pilgerreise zum heiligen Berg Kailash in Tibet

Zanskar Intensiv


Auf den Spuren des Buddha

Spiti, Tso Moriri und Ladakh
